The Freddie Mae Leverston Leadership Foundation - See Events & Fundraisers
The Freddie Mae Leverston Leadership Foundation - See Events & Fundraisers
The Freddie Mae Leverston was born in Montgomery, Alabama on October 22, and she relocated to Chicago as a teenager. Freddie Mae was born at a time when she did not have the same educational opportunities available to her as we do today. Fortunately, this did not prevent her from valuing and stressing the importance of a high-quality education.
While living in Chicago, Illinois Freddie Mae met
Freddie Mae Leverston
Food justice is an important part of community justice. We take donations form local businesses and use them to fight hunger. Help us connect with donors and with people in need.
Every Sunday, we mobilize our teams of volunteers to make a real difference. Join us and see what can be accomplished when you get an impassioned team to focus on change.
Our community is full of people who want to help. We work to help the people providing services with the people who need them. Come connect with people in new ways.
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The Freddie Mae Leverston Leadership Foundation (FMLLF).